What is 2Smart Standalone?

2Smart Standalone is an enterprise-grade automation platform for industrial use. You can install a platform to automate an agricultural or industrial facility. At the same time, you may use the platform to configure an advanced smart home.

The 2Smart Standalone application consists of two parts:

  • Administrative panel.
  • Client panel.

In addition, an administrative panel with reduced functionality is used to flash devices.

Using the administrative panel, users can add available devices and configure them. In addition, the panel allows you to set general settings and create automation scenarios, view and set values for selected sensors.

The client part of the application makes it possible to add screens for smart home control and create widgets that can be configured to control a smart home. With their help, the user can view and control sensor readings, set the necessary values, manage automation scenarios and display the required information on the screen.

End-users can also use the 2Smart Standalone and 2Smart Cloud mobile apps to manage their devices.

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